Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Yes, it is my birthday today but something is not right keeping me away from it. Not that friends betrayed me or what but I felt that I am walking alone on the streets. I don't really know how to describe it much tho. Maybe listening songs that got me turned off? Looking at scenes that suppose to be very happy but end up I felt sad about it. I didn't want to celebrate my birthday not because I felt bad response or love or whatever. I'm just too busy with my assignments for my graduation that I don't even have the time to sleep, shop and relax. Sorry peeps and friends.

Photos I've deleted but what you've found maybe I haven't found that file and delete it completely. Yesterday, you brought me to dinner with your house mates but before that I was listening emo songs played on your computer and sometimes the way you talked to me wasn't when we first met. There's a few times but I'm trying to accept it as who you were. Talked about together that don't hide things but what are you doing now? You found it and I told you like what I did previously when I found out yours. I asked you yesterday when you sound kinda bad when I called you, all you said was nothing. In the end I read from some sources and I got what you meant last night. You promised me things but you just did it for that few weeks and in the end you still did it and got back to normal. Did I treat you like that? I am really sad when I'm typing this right now. I know everything is my fault for not doing something right for what I've said and the words you've taken. I don't know what to say any more although I know I somehow felt what you're trying to think and being emo of something related to me without telling me anything. My apology.

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