I AM PISSED and I'm sick and tired of this GUSTAVO OSPINA. Everyone has problems and it needs to be encountered! My laptop out of nowhere which suddenly turns blackout and it's unable to even save my work that I've done in your class! I brought my laptop and fixed it and got it back a.s.a.p. and start to rush my work for you. Now you said that you're not happy with it and sorry. So it means that you're FAILing me?! Since when I didn't hand in your work on time and I skipped your class?! IF I really failed by you and I need to retake which costs me RM 5,400 for nothing, I would rather give up my dreams than to waste money to retake what I've learnt and re-do everything which were similar to what I've learnt with you this term. Furthermore, if I really forced to pass by complaining by either my parents or myself, it's still the same that I still have to face you in 3D-Cad.
Now after that I've read your reply in my email, I don't know what am I doing rushing on the work that I've tried to recover and rushed within sleepless nights just to pass it up to you. It is YOU who've made me gave up on my dreams if I really failed. I would rather work than suffering looking at you for extra 3 months! You've gave me a bad image on what I think of you might be. Besides, you're the first lecturer that I hated in this college. Everything makes me go smoothly and then now you said that I do too many wrongs. As I've promised myself, IF I ever ever fail ONE subject, I would stop my studies.